Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Selection of fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer parameter for acoustic sensing applications,” International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), Elâzığ, Turkey, 10-12 Mayıs 2017, pp. 189-195, ISBN: 978-605-67575-2-5.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Aydemir U., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “A New diaphragm material for fiber optic Fabry-Perot acoustic sensors with 2D GaSe,” IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IV. IMCOFE), Rome, Italy, 23-25 Ağustos 2017, pp. 482-482, ISBN: 978-9944-0637-8-4.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Aydemir U., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Using of 2D In2Se3 single crystal for Fabry-Perot fiber optic acoustic sensors as a diaphragm material,” 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2017), Antalya, Turkey, 4-8 Ekim 2017, pp. 462-462.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Influence of pressure caused by the photoacoustic effect on parameters in sensing applications,” I. Internationalscientific and vocationalstudies congress (BILMES 2017), Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey, 5-8 Ekim 2017, pp. 557-558, ISBN: 978-605-82164-0-2.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Fiber optik interferometrik akustik basınç sensörlerinde diyafram boyutlarının belirlenmesi,” 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017), Adana, Turkey, 25-27 Ekim 2017, pp. 1910-1910, ISBN: 978-605-67067-1-4.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “A New geometry design to adjust sensor sensitivity for diaphragm-based optical sensors,” 2. International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE 2018), İstanbul, Turkey, 29-30 Haziran 2018, pp. 82-83, ISBN: 978-605-9546-12-6.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Time domain analysis of photoacoustic wave equation for acoustic pressure sensor designs,” 2. International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE 2018), İstanbul, Turkey, 29-30 Haziran 2018, pp. 84-85, ISBN: 978-605-9546-12-6.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Frequency domain analysis of photoacoustic wave equation for acoustic pressure sensor designs,” II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES 2018), Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey, 05-08 Temmuz 2018, pp. 721-722, ISBN: 978-605-82164-2-6.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “A New geometry design for tuning resonance frequency in diaphragm based fiber optic sensors,” II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES 2018), Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey, 05-08 Temmuz 2018, pp. 719-720, ISBN: 978-605-82164-2-6.
Hakanoğlu B. G., Hayber Ş. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., Türkmen M., “Optimization of Feed Line Parameters of a Square Microstrip Patch Antenna at 39 GHz for 5G Designs,” 2nd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT 2018), Kızılcahamam, Ankara, Turkey, 19-21 Ekim 2018, pp. 11-11, eISSN: 2618-6446.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., “Yüksek Güç Transformatörlerindeki Kısmi Deşarj Tespitinde DiyaframTabanlı Fabry-Perot İnterferometrik Basınç Sensörlerinin Performans İyileştirilmesi için Diyafram Analizi,” International Conference on Access to Recent Advances in Engineering and Digitalization (ARACONF 2020), Kayseri, Turkey, 05-07 Mart 2020, pp. 82-83, ISBN: 978-625-400-134-5.
Hakanoğlu B. G., Koc B., Hayber Ş. E., Yalduz H., Türkmen M., “Comparative Analysis of the Effects of the Substrate Material and Deltoid Shaped Slots on Patch Antennas for 5G Networks at 37 GHz and 39 GHz,” International Conference on Access to Recent Advances in Engineering and Digitalization (ARACONF 2020), Kayseri, Turkey, 05-07 Mart 2020, pp. 140-141, ISBN: 978-625-400-134-5.
Hakanoğlu B. G., Sen O., Koc B., Hayber Ş. E., Türkmen M., “Defected Grounded Rectangular Patch Antenna with Rhombic-Shaped Slots for Early Phase 5G Applications,” URSI GASS 2020, Rome, Italy, 29 August - 5 September 2020, PID6355039.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., “Analysis of Diamond Sockets With Ultrasonic Method,” III. International İstanbul Scientific Research Congress, İstanbul, TURKEY, January 8-10, 2021.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., “Transformatör Yağı Refraktif Endeksi ile Kırılma Gerilimi Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması,” 5th International Mardin Artuklu Scientific Researches Conference, Mardin, Turkey, January 15-16, 2021.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., “Determination of type and alcohol concentration in water with bended polymer optic fiber sensor,” 11th International Congress on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Mutah University, Karak, Jordan, January 30-31, 2021.
Tabaru T. E., Hayber Ş. E., “Detection of transformer oil degradation with ultraviolet-visible spectrometric method,” International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies (ISSRIS'21), Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, February 22-25, 2021.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., “The effects of dynamic properties of diaphragm materials and medium on pressure sensors and determine the diaphragm material,” Çukurova 6th International Scientific Researches Conference, Adana, Turkey, March 5-6, 2021.
Hayber Ş. E., “Developing the acceptance radius in interferometric sensors and determining sensor losses,” Çukurova 6th International Scientific Researches Conference, Adana, Turkey, March 5-6, 2021.
Şahin M., Hayber Ş. E., “Fiber Optic Humidity Sensor for Condensation Detection In A New Generation Biogas Reactors,” 8th International Conference on Renewable Fuels, Combustion and Fires, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, March 5-7, 2021.
Hayber Ş. E., Tabaru T. E., “Milimetre Altı Ölçümler Için Fiber Optik Yer Değiştirme Sensörü,” ARACONF 2021 - 2nd International Conference On Access To Recent Advances In Engineering And Digitalization, Kayseri, Turkey, March 10-12, 2021.
Haıara R. H., Hayber Ş. E., “Sistemin doğru performansını otomatik olarak sürdürmek için teknolojinin temeli olarak bilgisayar saldırılarını tespit etme ve tahmin etme yöntemleri ve bilgisayar saldırılarına karşı koyma yöntemleri,” UBAK 2021 - 12th International Scientific Research Congress-Science and Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, December 17-18, 2021.
Görkem Y., Hayber Ş. E., “Fiber Optic Three-Dimensional Displacement Sensor,” 4. International Sciences and Innovation Congress, Ankara, Turkey, February 19-20, 2022.
Görkem Y., Hayber Ş. E., “Fiber Optic Surface Recognition Sensor,” 13th International Scientific Research Congress Science and Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, March 11-12, 2022.
Yiğit E., Hayber Ş. E., Aydemir U., Ozkaya U., “Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Static and Dynamic Pressure Responses of Specially Designed Diaphragm Based Fabry-Perot Interferometer” 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, Konya, Turkey, May 10-13, 2022.
Durmaz A., Aydemir U., Hayber Ş. E., Yiğit E., Ozkaya U., “Support Vector Regression Method for Deflection and Frequency Analysis of Center Embossed Diaphragms” 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, Konya, Turkey, May 10-13, 2022.
Güçyetmez M., Hayber Ş. E., “Akıllı Sensörlerin Gelişimi ve Akıllı Şebekeler İçin Fiber Optik Titreşim Sensörlerinin İncelenmesi” 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS 2022, Konya, Turkey, July 20-23, 2022.
Meshal Salah H., Hayber Ş. E., “Classification of Facial Expressions Using CNN Algorithm” Euro Asia 10th. International Congress on Applied sciences, Ankara, Turkey, August 7-9, 2022.
Karam Sabri Hadith Al-Janabi, Hayber Ş. E., “Different Control Methods Design for Wind Turbine in Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind System” 2022 IIER 1440th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET), Muscat, Oman, November 12-13, 2022.
Alisinoğlu M. B., Hayber Ş. E., “Optimization of Cutting Parameters by Measuring Cutting Force in Sawing Machines” International Conference on Machine Design 2023 (MD2023), Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, September 7-8, 2023.
Kınacı Y. E., Alisinoğlu M. B., Hayber Ş. E., “Şerit Testere Makinelerinin Kesme Parametrelerinin İş Parçasına Olan Etkisinin İncelenmesi” 6th International Congress on Engineering Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, İstanbul, Turkey, December 2-3, 2023.
Çavuş B., Hayber Ş. E., “Çığ Fotodiyotlar için Transempedans Amplifikatörü Devresi” 4. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, Bandırma, Turkey, March 13-16, 2024.
Karaman M. F., Görkem Y., Hayber Ş. E., “Determination of Sediment, pH, Pressure, Temperature, and Similar Elements in Tanks with SCADA System: Yozgat Example” 2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies, Konya, Turkey, April 18-19, 2024.
Akkaya S., Güçyetmez M., Uyar M., Hayber Ş. E., "The Detection of Power Quality Change During Multiple Disturbances for Microgrid Protection and Fuel Cell Health" 8th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC 2024), Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, May 12-15, 2024.
Akkaya S., Güçyetmez M., Uyar M., Hayber Ş. E., "De-noising of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Microgrid, including Energy Generation, Consumption, and Storage Units" 8th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC 2024), Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, May 12-15, 2024.
Güçyetmez M., Akkaya S., Uyar M., Hayber Ş. E., "Electrical Design of A Fuel Cell with Low Total Harmonic Distortion and Carbon Emission" 12th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2024), Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, May 16-19, 2024.
Güçyetmez M., Akkaya S., Uyar M., Hayber Ş. E., "Hydrogen Energy Forecast within The Scope of World Renewable Energy Consumption for Future GHG and Economic Calculations: A Case Study in Türkiye" 12th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2024), Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, May 16-19, 2024.
Çam E., Hayber Ş. E., Güçyetmez M., Çalış C. M., Sezer B., Polat M. B., Munğan M., Ak M. A., "Development of An Optical Hand-Hold Preliminary Test Device as An Alternative to Breakdown Test Devices in Transformer Oil Quality Measurements" Ankara International Congress on Scientific Research-X, Ankara, Türkiye, June 25-27, 2024.
Alisinoğlu M. B., Kınacı Y. E., Korkut B., Hayber Ş. E., "Testere Makinelerinde Oluşan Kesme Kuvvetinin İş Parçası Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü ve Kesim Dikliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi" 20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Atılım University, Ankara, Türkiye, August 14-17, 2024.
Kınacı Y. E., Hayber Ş. E., Alisinoğlu M. B., "Testere Tezgâhlarında Kesme Parametrelerinin R Efekt Güncellemesi ve Kesim Sürelerine Etkisi" UTIS 2024 12th International Congress on Machining, Antalya, Türkiye, November 1-3, 2024.
Özdemir B., Kurban M., Hayber Ş. E., "Investigation of Metalloporphyrin Complexes for Humidity Sensing Application" 19th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Life, Engineering, Architecture, and Mathematical Sciences, İstanbul, Türkiye, November 16-18, 2024.
Nar N., Kurban M., Hayber Ş. E., "The Contribution of Atomic Doping to Photovoltaic Efficiency in P3HT Polymer" 9th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, December 20-22, 2024.
Gömükpınar N., Kurban M., Hayber Ş. E., "C60 ve Pentacene Komplekslerinin Metal Katkılamalarıyla Elektronik Özelliklerinin ve Fotovoltaik Performansının İncelenmesi" 15. Uluslararası Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi (UBCAK), Ankara, Türkiye, Aralık 26-27, 2024.
Çetin F. B., Hayber Ş. E., "V-Grooved Polymer Optical Fiber Optical Power Estimation Analysis" 7. International Mediterranean Congress, University of Valencia, Spain, January 9-11, 2025.
Güven G. N., Kurban M., Hayber Ş. E., "Development of Polyethylene-Like Materials with Boron Additives in F8BT Polymers: Investigation of Electronic and Optical Enhancements for Photovoltaic Applications" 9th International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, Havana, Cuba, January 21-28, 2025.
Ersop M. E., Kurban M., Hayber Ş. E., "Investigating the Drug Delivery Potential of A Spherical Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle for Favipiravir" II. International Texas Congress on Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation, Houston, Texas, January 27-28, 2025.
Hayber Ş. E., Saraçoğlu Ö. G., “Kırılma indis değişimine duyarlı bir taşınabilir optik algılayıcı tasarımı,” 4. Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Sempozyumu, Ankara, Türkiye, 28-29 Nisan 2011, pp. 199-205, ISBN: 978-975-6734-09-4.